Vacant/Edition #1 (Wholesale)
Vacant/Editionは東京・代々木八幡を拠点に活動する、Vacantの日々の営みをアーカイブしながら、新たに掲げる〈文化空間学/Cultural Placeology〉について考察を深めていくための出版物で、今後不定期に発行を続けていく予定です。
Vacant publishes the archive book 'Vacant/Edition'.
Vacant/Edition is a publication that will continue to be issued on an irregular basis, archiving the daily activities of Vacant, which is based in Yoyogi-Hachiman, Tokyo, and deepening its consideration of its new concept of 'Cultural Placeology'.
The first issue, entitled 'Placeology', contains an essay that serves as a starting point for 'Cultural Placeology', as well as interview articles and archives of past exhibitions at Vacant.
"Vacant/Edition #1"
¥2,800 (+tax)
114x185mm 144p
Published by Vacant