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"Placeology" 〈2025 S/S〉


2024.9.20 fri - 10.6 sun 
at Vacant/Centre 
入場無料 | Admission Free
金土日のみオープン | Open Fri - Sun
営業時間 | Opening hours  13:00 - 18:00

VacantのオリジナルプロダクトレーベルであるVacant/Multipleの〈2025 S/S〉の 展示会を開催します。



私たちは 周囲の世界に注意を払い、感性と判断力を持って返答することを学ぶ必要があります。かつて手紙を書く際にそうしていたように、人やものに応答することが、それぞれが自分流でありながら、同時に他者を尊重することも忘れない仕方で、 生が存続する道を開くのです。


オーダー受注期間:2024.9.20 fri 〜 10.13 sun


Vacant is pleased to present an exhibition of our original product label Vacant/Multiple's 2025 S/S collection.

The title of this season's exhibition, ‘Placeology’, is a coined term that expresses the core of Vacant's activities, ‘the transformation of space into place’. In an age where we are surrounded by an abundance of things, it is a word that encourages us to return to the origins of ‘making’ and ‘using’ and to reconsider the rich relationships between people and things.

This time, a wide range of products will be on display, including clothes, accessories, furniture and books, as well as collaborative items such as pottery by Wataru Myosyu, sculptures by Kazuaki Ohashi, and lighting by design studio BP.

“We need to learn to attend to the world around us, and to respond with sensitivity and judgement. Corresponding with people and things ー as we used to do in letter-writing ー opens paths for lives to carry on, each in its own way but nevertheless with regard for others.” -Correspondences, Tim Ingold

Order period: 2024.9.20 fri - 10.13 sun

During the order period, you can order pre-order items at a 20% discount at the exhibition venue and online.

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