"L’Hiver (Aurélie, Jean)"
エレン・フライス/Elein Fleiss
2024.10.25 fri - 11.10 sun
at Vacant/Centre
入場無料 | Admission Free
金土日のみオープン | Open Fri - Sun
営業時間 | Opening hours 13:00 - 18:00
共催 | Co-host COSMIC WONDER
1992年にインディペンデント雑誌の先駆けである『Purple Prose』を刊行し、その後もアートとファッションを中心とした個人出版の雑誌をつくり続けてきた編集者、エレン・フライス。Vacantでは2014年に世界各国40名以上のアーティストの作品とテキストを収録した『Les Chroniques Purple』の書籍を共作し、展示を開催しました。
In 1992, Elein Fleiss, a pioneering editor in independent magazines, published Purple Prose. Since then, she has continued to create personal publications centered around art and fashion. In 2014, Vacant collaborated with her on the book Les Chroniques Purple, which featured works and texts from over 40 artists worldwide, and hosted an accompanying exhibition.
For this exhibition in Tokyo and Kyoto, she will showcase a new body of work, including her photographs along with vintage clothing. To coincide with the exhibition, the booklet L’Hiver, which interweaves her diary spanning over two decades with her photographic works, will be published.
The three women I photographed are friends who live in the same village and surroundings as me. But like me, they also came from elsewhere. I had a vision of women dressed in off-white wool garments and walking in winter landscapes. I started from there. Everything else―post-industrial landscapes, nuclear power plants, and even makeup―came by chance and coincidentally changed the direction of my project.
When I say “came by chance,” I mean I decided to let the unexpected come in, which somehow made sense to me.
For many years I’d been interested in coincidence and unexpected encounters.
I come from Conceptual Art, which was my education, first with my father who had an art gallery that specialized in Dada and Surrealism, and who was also very interested in Conceptual Art. For fifteen years, starting in my early 20s, I lived Contemporary Art. I say “lived” because it was my life, my friends, lovers, and travels. I later realized how the words beauty and poetry were never pronounced during these art years and that the main tool for making art was the brain. It took about twenty years for me to come out of this and to find my own way.
In 2018, I was invited to do a small exhibition at an art center in my village. I’d just gotten over the flu and had also recently separated from my daughter’s father. My body and brain worked very slowly. Still, I said yes to the show. I felt I had to do the exhibition even though I was feeling very low and had no ideas. I looked through files of my photographs and started with one image, which I linked to another, then another, and so on. No thinking, no ideas, just my eyes. I chose maybe fifty images, which I printed in different sizes. On the walls, I pasted the images like a constellation, starting from one image and going to the next. Which, I realized, was like making a visual poem or improvising like a musician.
From there I began a new direction in my work and now avoid conceptualizing to follow other threads.
Elein Fleiss
〈関連展示/Related Exhibition〉
at Elbereth(京都/Kyoto)
2024.11.2 sat - 10 sun
1992年にインディペンデント雑誌の先駆けである『Purple Prose』を刊行し、以降『Purple』『Hélène』『The Purple Journal』など、アートとファッションを中心とした個人出版の雑誌をつくり続けてきた編集者。
現在は南フランスのサンアントニン・ノーブル・ヴァルという美しい村に住みながら、『Le Batèl』というショップを営んでいる。
Elein Fleiss
In 1992, she published Purple Prose, a pioneering independent magazine, and has since continued to create personal publications focused on art and fashion, including Purple, Hélène, and The Purple Journal.
Raised by parents who ran an art gallery, she was familiar with art from a young age. Her free-spirited approach led to the creation of innovative fashion photography with artists like Wolfgang Tillmans, Anders Edström, and Mark Borthwick, whose work was infused with the spirit of art, resulting in a groundbreaking magazine format unlike traditional fashion publications.
She currently resides in the beautiful village of Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val in the south west of France, where she runs a shop called Le Batèl.

Through reconnecting with Elein and her daughter Clarissa, and experiencing her current exhibition, I’ve been reflecting on the preciousness of encounters. Encounters aren’t limited to people—they include interactions with objects and information as well. In today’s world, we encounter and part with things on a minute-by-minute, second-by-second basis, and it’s inevitable to become somewhat desensitized to each of these moments; otherwise, we couldn’t cope.
About L’Hiver, the series composed of vintage wool garments and dreamlike photographs that Elein brought to us, she says:
Everything else—post-industrial landscapes, nuclear power plants, and even makeup—came by chance and coincidentally changed the direction of my project.
When I say “came by chance,” I mean I decided to let the unexpected come in, which somehow made sense to me.
Nothing we consciously seek, whether by my own design or strings someone else aligns, is intrinsically necessary. Through the dynamics of 'chance,' which guides us to 'be chosen,' we encounter what we truly seek. Accepting, rather than choosing. For someone like me, who often finds himself overly ambitious despite knowing that only a handful of these encounters will leave a lasting memory or a legacy, the arrival of L’Hiver (winter) has been the greatest gift.
Yusuke Nagai